Sunday, August 17, 2008

While in Orlando last week for our 35th Anniversary LCLAA (Labor Council for Latin American Advancement) Conference I had the opportunity to play a round of golf at the Disney Resort Magnolia golf course. On the 16th hole my second shot fell short of the green. When I drove the cart around the to the front of the green and began walking to my ball I almost tripped over my feet when I looked up and saw this gator next to my ball.
I asked him if I could play through and he obliged. Nice gator.

Here I am with Lorenzo and Jose.


Greg & Andrea said...

Wow that's so cool that you got to see a gator like that up close. And that was pretty nice of him to let you keep playing.

Amber said...

That is a cool picture Dad. I would have been a little scared of it!

Rachel B said...

Your funny. I'm glad he "Obliged".

Tom said...

"A dang alligator bit my hand off"

- "Chubs" from Happy gilmore