Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happy Halloween to all, opps, did I do that!


Greg & Andrea said...

That's a funny picture I got that same one in an email a week or so ago. Pretty cute idea. You should make one for the front lawn. I'm sure mom would love that.

Rachel B said...

That was funny.

Dave said...

Someone else told me they saw the same picture, that it was going around. It couldn't be the same because I took this photo in front of a store in downtown Oxford, Michigan. It was in front of a western store. I was on my way up to the farm to bow hunt and was stopped at a traffic light. I was in perfect position to take the photo and luckly I had my camera with me. Now I'm courious what the other photo is and where it was taken. Anyways I hope you all have a fun Halloween.

Amber said...

Looks like you can have a Halloween project for next year. :)